My Story

Fred Campos grew up in Grapevine, Texas and studied Computer Science at the University of North Texas in Denton. In 1996, he created a remittance software company and bought a house the Rustic Woods neighborhood in Bedford, Texas. Fred recalls looking everywhere for a home, but his realtor repeatedly showed him homes in HEB ISD because of the excellent reputation of the schools.
Fred & Karen met each other at the University of North Texas through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Their paths would cross again 12 years later finding Fred a single custodial father to Caitlyn from a previous relationship. Karen had earned both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Elementary Education. She was a 3rd grade teacher and Science lead at O.C. Taylor Elementary in the Grapevine Colleyville ISD.
Karen and Fred were married in 2001. His daughter, Caitlyn is married in Euless. Former a clarinet playing, band marching, International Baccalaureate, Spanish speaking, graduate of L.D. Bell High School. Their middle son, Zachary, is the control room director at Fellowship Church in Grapevine, a GT learner, chess playing, computer game designing, Honor Choir singing, Arabic and Spanish speaking, graduate from KEYS High School. Their youngest son, Daniel, is a 9th grader at Harwood Jr. High, and building sets for behind the scenes in drama.
Today, Fred Campos owns a website company called, DFW Website Designers located in Bedford Texas. Fred was highly involved at Meadow Creek, Harwood Junior High, and Bedford Junior High being a custodial father to Caitlyn. This involvement continued in many ways with Zachary. For example, Fred assisted, quizzed and chaperoned Zachary’s 4th grade class field trip to Austin. Additional, Fred volunteers his time by mentoring a group of high school kids through Trojan Talk program at Trinity High School.
Everyone knows kids tell all. Here’s a comment from Caitlyn. “My dad is everywhere! For seven years he changed the marque at Meadow Creek every week. He was involved in my classroom parties, the parent reading programs, and Field Days. He knows all my teachers and principals. It’s embarrassing, awful and awesome all at the same time.”
And not to be outdone, here’s a comment from Zachary. “My dad has taught me several programming languages and together we have re-written and digitized games like Yahtzee from scratch. He took a full day off and chaperoned my 4th grade trip to Austin.”
Fred comes from a diverse background and understands the needs of kids in our community. He recognizes that HEB represents single families, blended families, nuclear families, and special needs families all of which have varying social, economic, and language backgrounds. His goals on the HEB ISD School board has been to continue to ensure a rich education that reaches ALL students in the district for their future success.

Web Designer
Owner of DFW Website Designers
School Board Trustee
School Board Trustee for HEB ISD
Child custody blogger on Daddy Got Custody
Small business trainer
Small business trainer on 3:3:3 Business Tips
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